Saturday, November 24, 2007

Finally, we're open for business!!!

We moved Sukkar and Final over on Friday. It was a smooth move for the boys, except that Sukkar was upset and got loose poops. :( But, I'm glad to say that he looked much better tonight (Sat.). I lunged Final yesterday in my arena...that was sooo exciting! The railroad ties still need to be put around the perimeter, so for now, I'm staying away from the edges so we don't kick footing out. I rode him today in the arena and it was fun! The footing feels a bit deep, but with a little more riding, a lot more dragging, and some rain or water (once we get access to water), I think it will be great! Sukkar and Final are very attached to each other, screaming for the other when I take them out. It will be nice to get another horse in there so they can RELAX!

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