Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Drying out

After all the rain we had, it's so wonderful to see the sun. The ground is starting to dry out at the farm, and the water is continuing to recede toward the pond, which is great to see. Maybe in a few days I can turn Final out again so he can enjoy munching on the fresh green grass.

The big news is that we finally have lights in our horse and hay barns, and it is fantastic! No more racing the sunset to make sure my barn chores are finished, and searching for piles of poop in the arena with my little head lamp on!

My dad & Frannie bought us some trees to plant at the farm. We got an orange tree and some different types of olives. We also already have a Hackberry tree that's ready for transplanting, and my dad and Frannie have a well established Maple tree for us as well. It will be great to get some trees in the ground soon. I have a feeling this summer will be especially hot without the trees to shade things. But we'll get there. It seems there are so many projects to work on, like it will be a never-ending thing for the rest of our lives, but I couldn't think of anything I'd rather have. We love it at the farm, and are really enjoying our neighbors. Everyone is very kind and helpful. It's a different world out there, even though we're just 5 miles from town.

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