Thursday, September 25, 2008

The trees are growing and the flowers are blooming!

I know the title suggests it's springtime, but it's true. Our trees are growing, especially the Mulberry, Sycamore, and Purple Locust. The leaves seem to be multiplying at an incredible rate. We've also planted a type of flowering sage which is my new favorite plant. It's low-growing, with delicate colorful flowers at the tip of each stem. We've got red and peach flowers. The best part about them are that they are so easy! Drought tolerant and do well despite poor soil-my kind of plant! I'm already looking forward to spring when the trees will be sprouting their new leaves-I can't wait to see how much they grow! I'll try to snap some pictures this evening and post them tomorrow.

The farm is doing well. We're finishing up the second pasture, finally! We should finish it this evening and it will be open for business tomorrow. We just have 2 areas to "horse proof" inside, and then it's complete. The horses will enjoy it because there is actually grass in this one to eat. The other pasture is extremely overgrazed.

We've welcomed a new boarder in the past few weeks, her name is Julie and her cute horse is Otto. We have a great group of horses in our barn, and a great group of people that belong to the horses.

Ali and I will be busy trying to get things in line this fall for the winter months ahead, the main thing being DRAINAGE!

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